An Organization for
Promoting Heritage
Preservation Tradition
Help us rediscover and preserve the various buildings, markers, works of art and documents unique to our community and future.
Future Memories
Jump off the Interstate and explore this community to put a deposit in your personal memory bank.
Historical Charm
A community built for fostering hospitality through its historical architecture and layered building styles.

Did you know?
The Hillsboro Heritage League is a non-profit organization chartered by the State of Texas in 1979 to assist in preservation and restoration of buildings, historical sites, documents and writings of historical, traditional and cultural value.
Glimpse of the Past: Women’s Clubs Make a Difference In Our Community
The Reporter… Hillsboro Texas… Thursday, May 1, 2014 Women’s Clubs Make A Difference In Our Community The early days of our city were truly frontier… and rough: muddy (or dusty) streets, horses, wagons, scores or saloons, wood-front stores that looked like the set of grade B movies. Churches and schools were sparse. Ladies did not…
Glimpse of the Past: Possum Feast a Social Success in Hillsboro, 1916
The Reporter… Hillsboro Texas… Thursday, January 21, 2016 Possum Feast a Social Success in Hillsboro 1916 In January 1916 over 200 guests packed the George L. Porter Building on East Franklin Street in Hillsboro to share in Captain Tom Epting’s annual Possum Feast. Tom Epting (1845-1930) was a native of South Carolina who settled in…
Glimpse of the Past: Juneteenth In Hillsboro
The Reporter… Hillsboro Texas… June 19, 2014 Juneteenth In Hillsboro Communities and cultures look for reasons to gather with family and friends to celebrate and to remember. Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and public holidays all are occasion for backyard grilling, time at the park, and visiting. In the 21st Century Memorial Day, Labor Day, July Fourth,…
Glimpse of the Past: Central Christian Moves to Pleasant Street after Fire in 1892
The Reporter… Hillsboro, Texas… Thursday, July 2, 2015 Central Christian Moves to Pleasant Street after Fire in 1892 Drive today on South Waco street and it is difficult to imagine historic churches dominating the scene. Many local citizens are aware that First Methodist Church once occupied the NW corner lot of Waco and Walnut Streets…
Glimpse of the Past: R&K Café II Occupies Historic Interurban Substation
Hillsboro Reporter, Hillsboro Texas, December 2017 This week will see a gathering in Dallas of the Southwestern Railroad Conference, and topics on the agenda include “Plans for a Bullet Train from Dallas to Houston in 90 minutes” and “What rails will look like in 2050?” It was over 100 years ago that a similar initiative…
Annual Spring Fling
Mark your calendar and purchase your tickets ASAP for a Spring evening you won’t want to miss! Join us for our Annual Spring Fling with a fun night full of great food and laughter! We will provide a fabulous spread from the one and only Tony’s Backyard BBQ. WHEN: June 10, 2023 at 6pm WHERE: 308…
Glimpse of the Past: Historic Architecture…Key to Heritage Tourism
The Reporter, Hillsboro Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2015 According to the Texas Historical Commission, people who enjoy traveling to locations that authentically represent the stories and people of the past and present are “heritage tourists.” Tourism in Texas is a $65 billion industry with 220 million visitors and 63 percent report that they “seek travel…
Glimpse of the Past: Hillsboro Fire Department Marks 130 Years of Service
Glimpse of the Past, 20 March 2014 Hillsboro Fire Department Marks 130 Years of Service Hillsboro’s Hook & Ladder Company No. 1 was organized June 6, 1883, and Hillsboro’s Engine Company No. 1 was organized in 1885, and on October 25, 1885 the two units combined to organize the Hillsboro Fire Department. The location of the…
Glimpse of the Past: The Town that Cotton Built
Glimpse of the Past: Sept 25, 2014 Hillsboro: The Town that Cotton Built The City of Hillsboro traces its roots back to September 1853 when lots were drawn and sold in the Steiner Donation that today is Historic Downtown Hillsboro. For the first 30 years, Hillsboro was a dusty, frontier town known as a center…
Glimpse of the Past: Thomas Slater Smith
Thomas Slater Smith…Hillsboro’s Political Giant at the Dawn of the 20th Century The Reporter…Hillsboro, Texas…Thursday, August 7, 2014…Page 6B Since the 1880’s, Hillsboro has been known for producing cotton, cattle, and politicians. Recent history touts the political fame and accomplishments of the likes of State Senator, Texas Secretary of State and Attorney General Crawford Martin;…