Glimpse of the Past: Women’s Clubs Make a Difference In Our Community
The Reporter... Hillsboro Texas... Thursday, May 1, 2014 Women's Clubs Make A Difference In Our...

Glimpse of the Past: Possum Feast a Social Success in Hillsboro, 1916
The Reporter... Hillsboro Texas... Thursday, January 21, 2016 Possum Feast a Social Success in Hillsboro...

Glimpse of the Past: Juneteenth In Hillsboro
The Reporter... Hillsboro Texas... June 19, 2014 Juneteenth In Hillsboro Communities and cultures look for...

Glimpse of the Past: Central Christian Moves to Pleasant Street after Fire in 1892
The Reporter... Hillsboro, Texas... Thursday, July 2, 2015 Central Christian Moves to Pleasant Street after...

Glimpse of the Past: R&K Café II Occupies Historic Interurban Substation
Hillsboro Reporter, Hillsboro Texas, December 2017 This week will see a gathering in Dallas of...

Glimpse of the Past: Historic Architecture…Key to Heritage Tourism
The Reporter, Hillsboro Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2015 According to the Texas Historical Commission, people...

Glimpse of the Past: Hillsboro Fire Department Marks 130 Years of Service
Glimpse of the Past, 20 March 2014 Hillsboro Fire Department Marks 130 Years of Service...

Glimpse of the Past: The Town that Cotton Built
Glimpse of the Past: Sept 25, 2014 Hillsboro: The Town that Cotton Built The City...